Legislation related to Plumbing, Drainlaying and Gas fitting
Building Code Requirements
To obtain a Building Consent for a water heating installation, the installation must be shown to comply with the relevant sections of the Building Code. Relevant sections of the Building Code for water heating systems are Clauses:
B1 — Structure, B2 — Durability, E2 — External Moisture, G12 — Water Supplies, H1 — Energy Efficiency.
Some of the Codes that may be relevant when installing sanitary fixtures and appliances are listed below.
B1 Structure
The structural integrity of the building must be considered when:
- notching or boring through structural parts of the building
- locating water flushing tanks in ceilings
- relying on framework to support sanitary fixtures.
B2 Durability
All components of the sanitary plumbing system must be durable as they are subject to constant use over the life of the building.
The durability requirements are:
- 50 years for plumbing difficult to access, such as pipework cast in concrete or under slabs
- 15 years for plumbing moderately difficult to access, such as plumbing behind wall linings
- 5 years for surface mounted plumbing such as fixtures and appliances.
G1 Personal Hygiene
Functional requirement — Buildings shall be provided with appropriate spaces and facilities for personal hygiene.
Important considerations under G1 are:
- the number of sanitary fixtures required in a building determined by the number of people using the building
- accessible facilities required for disabled people
- privacy — line of sight into sanitary rooms
- protection from unpleasant odours and offensive matter
- installation to provide ease of cleaning
- location and dimensions for sanitary rooms
- required layout and dimensions of accessible toilets and shower rooms.
G13 Foulwater
Requirements under G13 are:
- convey foulwater from a building to a drainage system
- prevent foul air entering a building
- avoid the likelihood of blockages.
G12 Water Supplies
Functional Requirement — Buildings provided with water outlets, sanitary fixtures or sanitary appliances must have safe and adequate water supplies.
Important considerations under G12 are:
- safe hot water temperatures at fixtures
- cross connection hazards
- backflow prevention requirements for sanitary fixtures and appliances
- fixtures and appliances for utensil and personal washing to be provided with hot water in houses, retirement homes and early childhood centres
- acceptable water supply flow rates to sanitary fixtures.