Using Moodle

Site: WelTec Moodle
Course: Creating formative activities:Quizzes
Book: Using Moodle
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Friday, 28 February 2025, 2:39 PM


 How to use Moodle

Navigating a book

This is a 'book'. It's a useful way to put collections of information in one place.

There are two ways to move through books.



If this is the first time you have used Moodle please ask for help if you need it.  Some hints:

Click on the words at the top of the Moodle page (those that say 'My home>My courses>etc) to move from one course to another. 

You can also use the back arrow on your browser.

Navigating the module

This module is set up using a grid format.

Click on the grid to open a topic box. Click on the X to return to the module.

Opening URLS, YouTube and PDFs

Your tutor will give you some links to websites including YouTube. These links are called URLs (Uniform Resource Locator).

You will also have links to PDFs that open in a new window.

Depending on your browser: 

use the back button, 

click on the X to close a tab. 

OR click on the X  in the new window.

APA referencing

Learning to use APA referencing requires knowing the basic rules and working consistently as you research your assignments.

The following two links are helpful for you:

1. Weltec Learning Commons, APA referencing guide

2. Auckland University's "Quickcite" tool which helps you to format information in the appropriate style

A few tips:

  • Always note the URL and the date you have downloaded if you access material from a website, whether it be organisations or journal articles.
  • Get into the habit of writing your references in APA style. Books and journals are the most common.