Legislation related to Plumbing, Drainlaying and Gas fitting
This resource will take you through the major sources of legislation related to the Plumbing, drain-laying and gas-fitting industry and construction industry in general.
Legislation - Key terms
The Acts, Regulations and other documents that we use set the minimum standard for conduct and installation work.
Sound trade practice means “established trade practice of sound repute, competently executed with materials, practices and processes that are adequate for ensuring durability and efficiency in service, operation or performance.”
This statement was the benchmark when prosecutions and disciplinary actions were taken when defective or dangerous plumbing and gasfitting work was discovered. All plumbers and gasfitters should seek knowledge and training to be able to not only meet the minimum requirements of the acts and regulations, but also to produce a standard of work that satisfies the expectations of the customer.
Master Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers NZ Inc is the national association for plumbers, gasfitters and drainlayers. It and similar organisations have a Code of Conduct or Code of Ethics that also requires standards of conduct and work that will be greater than the minimum set by the government.
With the introduction of the Building Act 2004 the principles of ‘sound trade practice’ have been expanded and specific detail added. In many instances the expected standard of work has been reduced. However, the health and safety of the customer and community is safeguarded with specific tests applied to each part of the New Zealand Building Code you may use. The Building Act 2004 is designed to set standards for all parts of a building.