Tutor competencies

Tutor competencies

by Deleted user -
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While some of us got involved in developing some capabilities  for students (still trying to have it accepted into Taikura smile) some more of us are thinking about tutor competenceis. We had a think about this 2 years ago and the idea was ditched but increasingly I find the idea appealing.


I like this idea a lot and like the five competencies the authors have developed.


Technology in Education (ISTE). The model consists of five core competencies:

  1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity
  2. Design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments
  3. Model digital age work and learning
  4. Promote and model digital-age citizenship and responsibility
  5. Engaging in professional growth and leadership




I also added the link to our Twitter feed which you find either on the rauemi course page or here. https://twitter.com/Edtech001

Note avoiding typos is not a listed competency.