Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Emergency ProcedureWelTec is commited to supporting the welfare of its students, faculty, staff and visitors and staff are trained in emergency and disaster preparedness.

What should i do to make myself safe?

  • Take time to check out where the nearest exits are in the buildings you occupy.
  • Take time to read the Emergency Procedures information brochures displayed on all floors of WelTec buildings.
  • Know your nearest designated assembly areas for the buildings you occupy.
  • Be aware of safe practices for emergency evacuations due to fire/earthquake/tsunami.
  • Be aware of safe Health and Safety practices for the areas you occupy.

What should I do if an alert tone/siren sounds?

  • Remain calm and use your common sense.
  • Listen to and follow instructions from Wardens. If no instructions have been provided, use your best judgment.
  • If an alert tone/siren sounds continuously YOU MUST commence emergency evacuation.

What should I do in an emergency evacuation?

  • Remain calm and use your common sense.
  • Alert those around you.
  • Listen to and follow instructions from Wardens. If no instructions have been provided, use your best judgment.
  • Leave bulky personal items behind as they can be hazardous when evacuating.
  • Leave food or drink behind. DO NOT carry food and drink with you into stairwells.
  • Do not use your cellphone in stairwells.
  • Use the stair, not the lifts, to evacuate the building via the nearest fire exit. If you are with someone who is unable to use stairs due to an ability issue, let the nearest Floor Warden know immediately. Do not attempt to take this person down the stairs. If you can, arrange for someone to stay with the person to keep them calm.
  • Keep smoke stop doors closed at all times.
  • Make you way to your nearest designated assembly area for the building you have left.

If you discover fire

  • Activate the nearest fire alarm callpoint.
  • Dial 111 to get the New Zealand Fire Service. Confirm nature of emergency, location and building address.
  • Evacuate the building via the nearest exit.
  • Assemble in your designated assembly areas.
  • Do not re-enter the building until authorised to do so. 

Building Re-entry

The silencing of an alert tone/siren is not an indication that it is safe to re-enter the building. Wait for further instructions from your Chief Building Warden, Floor Warden or Security Guard.


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