WelTec Moodle
Rapua ngā tūtohu
- : LO 7.2. Define organisational change and compare
- AACSB: Analytical Basic thinking
- AACSB: Analytical thinking
- AACSB: Analytical thinking Analytical thinking
- AACSB: Application of knowledge
- AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments
- AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning
- AACSB: Information technology
- AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
- AACSB: Moderate
- AACSB: Reflective thinking
- AACSB: Written and oral communication
- animals
- anime
- art
- Assessed
- badminton
- Basic
- Basketball
- Binomial
- building envelope
- camping
- cars
- Complex
- Computers
- Constant
- Cooking
- Course Week 0
- Course Weeks 1 to 3
- Cricket
- Dancing
- Degree
- Diving
- Dogs
- Equation
- ethics
- Expression
- Family
- fishing
- Food
- Football
- force
- gaming
- gravity
- Gym
- hiking
- Hunting
- LO 1
- LO 1 to 6
- LO 1.1. Tell who managers are and where they work
- LO 1.2. Define management
- LO 1.3. Describe what managers do
- LO 1.4
- LO 1.5
- LO 10.1. Define and explain motivation
- LO 10.2
- LO 10.3. Compare and contrast contemporary theorie
- LO 10.4. Discuss current issues in motivating empl
- LO 11.1. Define leader and leadership
- LO 11.2
- LO 11.3
- LO 11.4
- LO 11.5
- LO 12.1
- LO 12.2
- LO 12.3
- LO 13.1
- LO 13.2
- LO 13.3
- LO 13.4. Discuss contemporary issues in control
- LO 2
- LO 2.1
- LO 2.2
- LO 2.3
- LO 2.4
- LO 3
- LO 3.1. Describe the decision-making process
- LO 3.2
- LO 3.3
- LO 3.4. Discuss group decision making
- LO 3.5
- LO 4
- LO 4.1
- LO 4.2
- LO 4.3
- LO 4.4. Discuss contemporary issues in planning
- LO 5
- LO 5.1
- LO 5.2
- LO 5.2. Identify the contingency factors that favo
- LO 5.3
- LO 5.4
- LO 5.5
- LO 6
- LO 6.1
- LO 6.2
- LO 6.3
- LO 6.4
- LO 6.5
- LO 6.6
- LO 7.1
- LO 7.2
- LO 7.3. Explain why change might be unsuccessful
- LO 7.4
- LO 8.1
- LO 8.2
- LO 8.3. Describe different personality theories
- LO 8.4
- LO 8.5
- LO 8.6. Discuss contemporary issues in OB
- LO 9.1
- LO 9.2
- LO 9.3
- LO 9.4
- measurement
- mechanics
- Moderate
- motor
- Mountain biking
- movies
- Music
- Painting
- photography
- Polynomial
- Project 1 or 2 Students
- Project Paul
- quantity
- Reading
- Remote Study
- rotor
- Rugby
- running
- SI
- Singing
- Sleeping
- Snowboarding
- Soccer
- Socialising
- sports
- Swimming
- Technical Writing and SDLC
- Term
- tramping
- Travel
- Traveling
- Travelling
- unit
- Value
- Variable
- Walking
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