- Tutor: Fiona Beals
- Tutor: Frank Cook
- Tutor: Penelope De Boer
- Tutor: Adrian Ferguson
- Tutor: Adrian Ferguson
- Tutor: Adrian Ferguson
- Tutor: Gelasio Franco
- Tutor: Leigh Grinlinton
- Tutor: Fred Harris
- Tutor: Mark Hetherington
- Tutor: Sarah Hexamer
- Tutor: Bill Hudson
- Tutor: Ruwan Jayasooriya
- Tutor: Debbie Kowalczyk
- Tutor: Gopal Krishan
- Tutor: James Mackay
- Tutor: Christy Mathew
- Tutor: Anarghya Murthy
- Tutor: Minh Nguyen
- Tutor: Sunethra Pitawala
- Tutor: Cameron Smart
- Tutor: Induka Werellagama
- Tutor: Induka Werellagama
- Tutor: Rudi Zettler
Bachelor, Graduate Diploma and NZ Diploma of Engineering
Enrolment options
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