Tutor presence

Tutor presence

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 9

Do you have hints on things that have worked in your classes? Do you think Terry Anderson is correct? Does it help us plan our teaching if we consider the different types of presence? Merely ideas to consider.

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Re: Tutor presence

by Deleted user -
I had a thought yesterday that because of time constraints what I might try is building a process using the academic skills "coffee break" guides that we have in the learning commons. (Coffee break because students could be told that 10 mins might be enough to read and try out the idea in a short activity).
My idea is to develop an exercise that goes with the text for a selection of these pages. Put the static text (easily read in 10 mins) and a question up in the forum and gather their responses. EG "Time Management: A weekly time budget" (has a built in activity) the questions might be simply "how many hours do you need in a week? What was your total? how do you balance the ideal with the real?
Feedback could then be in terms of what the numbers mean and suggestions for helping the students sort out priorities...discussion of too much or too little to do etc.
And I could gather statistics about who has engaged...
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Re: Tutor presence

by Deleted user -

I added a reading by Dr Petrea Redmond to the topic moving to online. http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/hobart11/downloads/papers/Redmond-full.pdf

I copied this table from the paper (which by now is elderly)because I liked the way the categories of  roles have been set out: instructional design, facitilating discourse and direct instruction. I'll add some thoughts about using forums too, for us to think about how we use them. Perhaps Paul or Steve might like to tell us how the first two courses in the project are going along with the use of forums?

Table 1: Teaching presence categories and indicators Categories




Instructional design and organisation



setting the curriculum;

designing methods;

establishing time parameters;

utilising medium effectively;

establishing netiquette; and

making macro-level comments about course content.

Facilitating discourse



identifying area of agreement/disagreement;

seeking to reach consensus/understanding;

encouraging, acknowledging, or reinforcing student contributions;

setting the climate for learning;

drawing in participants, and prompting discussion; and

assessing the efficacy of the process.

Direct instruction



presenting content/questions;

focusing the discussion on specific issues;

summarising the discussion;

confirming understanding through assessment and explanatory feedback;

diagnosing misconceptions;

injecting knowledge from diverse sources; and

responding to technical concerns.

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Re: Tutor presence

by Deleted user -

Paul Thomas has had his first go in the multimedia lab. I'll add his assessment overview file to a topic.. He's working, he says, on the lolly chewing and yes we could delete it but it would take a while. An example of what can be done. You can do an audio only link easily at your desk using Audactiy (not all pcs) or Sound Recorder (available on all pcs) or the more sophisticated Adobe Audition.



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Re: Tutor presence

by Rachel Clarke -

This time mangement page would be a great generic resource to have in a page that is something to do with - helping you to learn to study. Is this the Learning Commons bit??

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Re: Tutor presence

by Rachel Clarke -

This time mangement page would be a great generic resource to have in a page that is something to do with - helping you to learn to study. Is this the Learning Commons bit??

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Re: Tutor presence

by Deleted user -

Who is Terry Anderson, or is that your subtle and clever way of getting us researching?  I'm intrigued.

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Re: Tutor presence

by Deleted user -

HI Justine


Terry Anderson is a tutor at Athabasca College/University. He is a bit of an expert on tuor/cognitive and social presence. He'll be at the DEANZ Conference in Christchurch.

I put a couple of links/videos on the Rauemi site. We are trying to collect together some relevant ideas to assist the Addictions, Counselling and Paul Thomas (:-0) tutors to think about teaching online and other related things.