Monday Reminder

Monday Reminder

by Steve McKinlay -
Number of replies: 0

Hello all,

Can I remind everyone that there is (generally) not a live zoom lecture on Monday. I explained this in class, it is in the course outline and was indicated in an announcement last week.  Generally speaking the Monday session is (as I said in class) asynchronous. That means there either be a pre-recorded powerpoint, or sometimes podcast by me, or other work. This can be done any time during the week. Preferably before the on campus class.  

Sometimes, I may run a live zoom session. If I do, I will announce it with a link well in advance of the scheduled time. 

I would ask today that you do any or all of the following as part of course engagement. 

Week 1
Listen to my podcast on Walter Maner's Uniqueness Debate
Read Shannon Vallors material on Data ethics
Complete the moodle quiz
Open the review questions and give them some thought/think about how you might answer them

Week 2
Listen to 1 or all 3 of my podcasts on Utilitarianism
Read the section 1 and 2 on Utilitarianism in the link provided 

As you can see, there is plenty of work to get on with. See you in class during the week. 


Dr. Steve McKinlay