What is accessibility and usability?

image describing accessibility and usability

Accessibility and usability is about making web-based and online content accessible to all users. It's about making content available to everyone—young, elderly, teenagers, and disabled.

There are many facets to usability and accessibility. We focus on those pertinent to you as a staff member. 

“Websites built with accessibility in mind are flexible in meeting different user needs, preferences and situations. Though these methods can increase usability for everyone who uses the Web they are often legally required to be implemented in a specific effort to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities”.


Usability focuses on:

• ease of learning—can the website/elearning page be used intuitively?

• efficiency—how fast can tasks be accomplished?

• re-use—can the site be used again effectively?

• error frequency—how many errors are made when using the system and how fast can they be corrected?

• satisfaction—does the user enjoy using the system?

Adapted from Accessibility, usability and standards: What does it mean?

Visit this site for more useful information: Ten Guidelines to improve the usability and accessibility of your site. 

Look for the Accessibility and usability  in the WelTec Moodle For Staff section.